Author: Ned Stratton

The road to success is paved by your Major Definite Plan.

A Major Definite Purpose must be backed by a Major Definite Plan.  Have you ever walked through a beautiful home or building?  Did it spontaneously appear?  Not likely.  Neither will your Major Definite Purpose.  Every dream home starts out as someone’s dream.  If you take that dream and you clearly define it (definite objective), create …

What is the purpose of life? It is to live life with a Definite Purpose!

The Purpose of Life is defined by your Major Definite Purpose, backed by a Definite Plan, and supported by Definite Execution.   This week’s post will focus on defining your own purpose in life. Your purpose in life depends on your Major Definite Purpose.  If you don’t know where you are going, then it does not …

Intelligence Defined: The Art of Making Good Choices

All action has a reaction, all causes have an effect, and all choices really do matter. Intelligent choices lead to more freedom, expand agency, and increase happiness, unintelligent choices lead to loss of freedom, no agency, and no happiness. For a Blog with the title “Organized Intelligence” it seems important to define the word Intelligence.  For …

Organized Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, or Disorganized Intelligence?

Organized Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, or Disorganized Intelligence? Napoleon Hill believed strongly in a supreme being which he gave the name “Infinite Intelligence”.  He believed that You and I represent “organized intelligence”.  One example of this is in the below quote from his book Keys To Success (1994 p. 48): Thinking people have always seen evidence …