Organized Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, or Disorganized Intelligence?

Organized Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, or Disorganized Intelligence?

Watch Pieces

Napoleon Hill believed strongly in a supreme being which he gave the name “Infinite Intelligence”.  He believed that You and I represent “organized intelligence”.  One example of this is in the below quote from his book Keys To Success (1994 p. 48):

Thinking people have always seen evidence of Infinite Intelligence in the external world. Every process of nature is orderly. The sun does not rise in the east today and the west tomorrow. Natural law endures and obtains everywhere. Such order, such continuing adherence to law, clearly implies intelligent planning and definiteness of purpose, ample evidence of Infinite Intelligence. As Tennyson wrote, “The sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the hills and the plains. Are not these, 0 Soul, the Vision of Him who reigns?”

Look at the wristwatch on your arm. You know that your watch did not come into existence without the aid of organized intelligence, and you know that in this case the particular intelligence was a human one. You know equally well that this human intelligence did not originate in that single mind but that it was merely an instrument expressing the force of the natural order of the universe [time].

You could take that watch apart, put the pieces in a hat, and shake them about. Never in a million years would they, or could they, re-assemble themselves into the smoothly functioning machine called a watch. That process requires deliberate, organized intelligence with a definite plan. Like a watch, the universe simply could not exist as it does without being the product of an Infinite Intelligence.

Unlike the watch, You, or the universe, this blog represents dis-organized intelligence, (or unintelligence, you be the judge).  This blog is meant to contain some of my random thoughts and musings on life, the universe, and everything.

My hope is that these posts will be helpful to the reader to live a happier, more productive life, but I am also writing for myself as an outlet from my sometimes stressful day job.  I will try to post something new each week.  If you like what you read please share it with others, and comment below.

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